Ezta Agro


» Separation by scouring effect
» Cleaning Section
» Very compact design with solid body 
» Available screens of wire mesh jacket or perforated steel sheet
» Beaters on the rotor
» An intensive scouring effect
» Removal of dirt adhering to the surface of the grain
» Scouring of hull layers
» Reduction of microorganisms effectively
» Creation of friction among the grains, jacket and rotor ribs
» A drum Rotor supported in roller bearings
» Higher output with rotor of corrugation- and knob-typed plates
» Silent and non-vibration operation
» Screens are well positioned and easily exchange
» Available collecting hopper for detached hull particles
» Connection to central aspiration possible
» Maintenance access from all sides
» Higher wear resistance of the rotor and screen segments
» Uniform treatment of the grains
» Adjustable motor table, pulley and V- belt drive
Power & Transmission
» V-belt transmission

Application and Features

The scourer is used in wheat plants to separate dust, soil, insects and micro-organisms adhering to the grain by making use of the specially designed rotor paddles. The impurities pass through special designed sieves. Scourers are used in 1st, 2nd and pre-cleaning stages of the flour mills. An aspiration channel normally accompanies the scourer to remove the lighter particles. This process will increase the yield of flour and adds to the general hygiene of the finished products.

Aplicación y características

El scourer se usa en las plantas de trigo para separar el polvo, la tierra, los insectos y microorganismos adheridos al grano hacienda uso de las paletas del rotor especialmente diseñadas. Las impurezas pasan a través de tamices especialmente diseñados. Los scourers se usan en la pre-limpieza y primera y segunda rotura en los molinos harineros. Normalmente un canal de aspiración se coloca acompañanado el scourer para quitar las partículas más livianas. Este proceso incrementará el rendimiento de la harina y mejorará la higiene general de los productos terminados.

Aplicação e Características

O polidor é usado em plantas de trigo para separar o pó, terra, insetos e microorganismos que aderem às fibras nos grãos, fazendo uso das pás do rotor especialmente concebidas para este fim . As impurezas atravessam as telas especiais da máquina. Polidoras são usadas na primeira e segunda limpeza  dos moinhos de trigo. Um canal de aspiração normalmente acompanha a polidora para remover as partículas mais leves. Este processo vai melhorar a produção de farinha e acrescenta mais higiene em geral aos produtos acabados.